So... where is Croatia anyway?

So... where is Croatia anyway?
Map of Eastern Europe

Me and Anne Frank

Me and Anne Frank
Day 1: Amsterdam

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Impact Full-Force Self-Defense Retreat

This trip could not possibly have gotten off to a better start.

Recently, I met the Executive Director of Impact Bay Area, an organization that teaches full-force self-defense to women and girls. I was offered a very generous scholarship to attend a retreat-style weekend self-defense basics class, WHICH HAPPENED TO BE THE WEEKEND BEFORE MY BIG TRIP. If you're interested, I highly recommend every woman and girl take this class. For more info about Impact in the Bay Area, see

Here are some photos of me fighting the "muggar," a padded assailant upon whom the women and I practiced our full force blows.

Here I am, coiling my power...

Waiting for an opening...

A chance to strike!

After tossing him off like a sack of potatoes...

I am about to land a side-thrust kick to the head!

AND IT'S A KNOCKOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!

For one of the fights, I faced the muggar with my full pack on my back, as if I were attacked while traveling with all my stuff.

I set good boundaries, and when he crossed them, I knocked him out!


Toshi Hoo said...

Wow! Beware anyone who dares mess with my girl!

brae said...

Ruby's READY!
-Bette Gardner, fellow Impact student