So... where is Croatia anyway?

So... where is Croatia anyway?
Map of Eastern Europe

Me and Anne Frank

Me and Anne Frank
Day 1: Amsterdam

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Invited to Present My Work!!

So something unbelievable has happened:

I have been invited to return to Sarajevo in July to present my work about the use of rape and sexual violence in genocide.

There is a conference of the International Association of Genocide Scholars that will be held in Sarajevo this summer and even though it was later than the last minute, I sent them an email with description of my work. They scrambled to put me on a panel titled appropriately, "Mass Rape and Genocide," with other experts in the field.

I am so excited I am nearly busting out of my skin. Toshi has to keep grabbing my ankles as I float off to unbelievable happiness that they actually want ME to be part of this. As you loyal blog-readers know, I am in love with Sarajevo and looking for any excuse to come back. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine it would be this soon!!

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