I wandered around this morning and ate strawberries with a fresh croissant.
I bought my train ticket to the airport tomorrow and double-checked my flight details. I'll write a little bit now, then maybe wander some more.
I went to the Van Gogh Museum yesterday and saw many original works including pencil drawings and lots of self-portraits. The museum also has work by Van Gogh's contemporaries, collaborators, and friends, including Gaughain, Monet and others. Very nice collection, and the timing of the day worked out perfectly, because I was able to walk from the hostel to the museum area and it started pouring rain only after I was already inside the museum! The restaurant and gift shop also provided cover from the storm and I happily passed several hours in the museum.
Just down the street is a Shanghai massage place where Toshi and I had foot massages the last time we were here. Toshi and I also visited and got foot, head, and shoulder massages this weekend. Since it is so affordable and so healing, and I was right there and I was sooo tired after walking around all day and then the museum... I got a full body massage and the lady wrung me out like a tube of toothpaste. She dug in to all my knots and tight places in my muscles, and after that I walked home and went happily to sleep.
I was the only one whose bed had stuff on it in th hostel dorm room (4 beds) when I went to sleep, but 3 girls showed up late at night; they had come from Berlin where they told me they had "experienced the nightlife."
There is a motion sensor light in the bathroom (each dorm has its own bathroom attached!) so you don't ever have to fumble for the lights in the dark. very nice. I got up in the night to go, and opened the door... the light flashed on to the 3 girls all sitting on the floor, huddled around their cameras and cell phones, laughing and looking at photos. I jumped and they screamed and it was very funny. In the morning they apologised a lot for frightening me, but I said it only suprised and amused me.
This morning I woke up refreshed and quite happy! also I figured out that I am leaving in the late afternoon, not the early morning tomorrow! and that makes such a difference!
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